On Tuesday I went out with hubby for a few hours. He fished, and I sketched.
This is the first sketch that I did. ( He caught 3 fish)
Next is a pen sketch I did of some of the houses near where we were.
Doug has been preparing the vegetable beds ready for summer, and he dug out these onions, so I did a quick sketch in water soluable coloured pencils, before he cooked them in a spaghetti bolognese. Which was gorgeous.
This is the quick sketch that I did to plan for the following painting that I`ve been working on at my art groups.
......and here is the painting that I did afterwards...
Juicy oranges.
Arches rough.

Evening Glimmer 7x11"
Arches rough
This photo is not doing justice to the painting. In real life the colours are brighter, and on the Millenium "Eye" Bridge and the water, I have used irredescent medium, which makes them sparkle and glimmer in the light. (Something which simply doesn`t show up on the photo)
Life class sketch done using graphitint pencil and water. A3 size pad
Annie pose 2
Same materials as before.
This was a 15 minute pose, and the first one was a 30 minute pose.
I know I`m mad, but I much prefer the quicker poses.
We also did another 15 minute pose, but for some reason, I haven`t photographed that one.
Finally for this week, here is a painting that I did in acrylics, using only palette knives to paint with.
This was done because we watched a man called Tony Montague, do a demonstration at our art society last week. It`s the very first time that I have ever painted with a palette knife like this, and it was alot of fun.I`m dying to try out an inky painting that he did and splashed with methalated spirits, but I haven`t got the right inks or paper yet. I need to experiment more to find out which works best to get the results needed.
Anyway, appart from a few pencil sketches that`s all from me for this week. I`m loving painting and drawing. It`s so good to get back to it after such a long break. ( several years due to illness) I think I`m making up for lost time........well, when my hands work that is...lol.
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