Sunday, 17 February 2013

With extra special thanks to Stephie Butler

.........for kindly giving me permission to use her photograph as the starting point for the Tiger that I painted in oils.........

 Stephie`s tiger.
When I saw the reference photograph, I loved it instantly. I was constantly thinking about how I would paint this.....even when I woke up in the mornings, I was thinking about this reference. Normally I prefer to use my own reference photographs, but this one well and trully grabbed me, so in the end I asked Stephie Butler for permission, and I was so pleased that she said yes.
Stephie is a fabulous artist herself, so I can`t thank her enough for letting me use it, as I`m sure she will probably do it herslf one day too.
Orange Squash.
I`ve painted similar pictures to this in the past, but this one I decided to paint as though the items had ben "squashed" onto the paper, so that I could call it "Orange squash".

At the end of art group, I had a little time left over, so I played around and came up with this. A place that holds a special place in my families heart. I place that we have been on many wonderful holidays and day trips.........roll on summer, so we can go there again.
Well, we are getting organised for Alnmouth, we have booked our hotel accomodation, and we have been working away building up some stock for our exhibition stand........I checked yesterday and was shocked to realise that it is only 18 weeks away, so I really must get lot`s of painting`s a hard life, and I love being the one to do it!!!

Saturday, 9 February 2013

I worked on through

..........and this is what I ended up with........
Acrylics on canvas board.
As I said last week, I don`t get on with acrylics. Although I`ve been practicing on 7x5" canvases and grew to like acrylics, I tried working bigger, and decided that I` not keen
I`ll keep practicing, .............and maybe one never know..........I might grow to love them.
This was a very, very quick and simple demonstration that I did for Preston Grange art group to show them how to paint glass. It`s in watercolours. Using just three colours in the glass and shadow/ reflection, ultramarine blue, burnt sienna and alizarin crimson. I added a touch of lemon yellow for the straw. It probably took about 5 minutes to demo, with a bit of time adding a few darks, and final details at the end.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Acrylic practise

Posts at St. Marys
Tynemouth Priory Sunset
Seaton Sluice Buttercups
Across the sands to Blyth
Newcastle bridges and the Baltic art gallery
As you can see, I`ve been beavering away, painting lots of little canvases in acrylics. I don`t "get on" with acrylics, I would say that they are my least favorite medium. I don`t normally like painting with them, but I have to say, I thoroughly enjoyed painting theses small canvases. I painted 20 in total, all local scenes. I was actually liking painting in acrylics, and thought I`d conquered my fears, but I went to Jean`s house to paint last night, and feeling brave, I decided to paint a 16x 20" canvas..................which was a biggggggg mistake! I felt like I was back at square one. I intend to finish the big painting, in the hopes that it will all come together in the end. I`m at the ugly stage at the minute......fingers crossed I can paint my way past this stage.